This page is meant to note significant events in the ship history; this is not the place to note when an individual entered the fandom and began posting stories/art. Personal information of that type should be reserved for an individual author/artist's biography.
February 2, 2000 - HP Slash mailing list was created and modded by Chellebelle.
October 22, 2000 - the first Snape/Lupin story was posted to HP Slash: Hunter's Moon, by Majolique.
November 2, 2000 - the Snape Slash mailing list was created.
April, 2001 - The Parapet was created and maintained by Eline.
October, 2001 - the Snape Slash Fleet was formed, and the original Moonshadow archive was created and maintained by McKay
October 29, 2001 - the Lupin Snape Slash mailing list was created and modded by Eline.
December 17, 2001 - Snape N Lupin mailing list was created and modded by Viviane/Boadicea.
March 8, 2002 - Tboy posted the statement of intent for the Severus Snape Fuh-Q Fest.
March 28, 2002 - The Severus Snape Fuh-Q Fest was launched.
April 7, 2003 - The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community was created on Livejournal by Makishef.
October, 2003-February, 2004 - the first wave of the Master and Wolf FQF was run by Michael Chance.
January 26, 2005 - Snupin100 drabble community was created by Sapphiretragedy.
March 21, 2005 - The new Moonshadow automated archive was opened by Xochiquetzl.
March 26, 2005 - Master Wolf Links, a comprehensive list of links to RL/SS stories and fan art, was created and maintained by Tabiji, Blue Raven, and lore.
August 12, 2005 - The Snupin Prophet newsletter was created and edited by McKay.
December, 2005 - McKay ran the first Secret Snupin Santa exchange.
November 30, 2006 - The Lupin/Snape Fan Art Mood Theme was made available.
July 17, 2007 - The Snupin Calendar was released.
October 1, 2007 - Primary lupin_snape community activity was moved from Livejournal to Insanejournal.
November 27, 2007 - Chocolate & Asphodel, the first Snape/Lupin fanzine, was made available in pdf format.
December, 2007 - McKay ran the Secret Snupin Santa 2007 exchange from its new eFiction archive.
January, 2008 - The Trading Places challenge began.
March, 2008 - Work on the Snupineer Funtime Activity Project was begun.
April, 2008 - The Lupin-Snape community celebrated its five year anniversary.
January, 2009 - The 2009 Snape/Lupin Art Desktop Calendar was made available for downloading. The Snape/Lupin Big Bang Project: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut was launched in January as well.
February, 2009 - Chocolate & Asphodel vol. 2 was announced.
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