This page houses links to various thematic lists of Snape/Lupin stories that have been compiled. The page will be updated as more thematic lists are compiled.
Each list focuses on stories that contain a particular theme (or themes, since there will be some overlap) with Snape/Lupin as the primary pairing.
Alternate Universe - stories set in an alternate, non-HPverse environment.
Amnesia - a list of SS/RL story recs featuring memory loss.
Betrayal - stories in which either Snape or Lupin betray each other in some way.
Comfort Stories - stories chosen by the members of the lupin_snape community as their favorite comfort stories.
Crossovers - stories that include a direct crossover to another book, TV show, movie, etc, or which are direct homages to another book, TV show, movie, etc.
The Dark Side of Snape/Lupin - a resource list of dark fic and art, compiled by Snegurochka.
Enslaved - Stories in which either Remus or Severus is captured or enslaved.
Faith - stories that focus on Snape and Lupin and spiritual faith of some kind.
Forced Bonding - stories in which Snape or Lupin or both are forced to bond with each other for some reason.
Genre: Mystery - Stories that revolve around a mystery (murder or otherwise) being solved, AUs included.
Holidays - Stories that are set during a holiday and/or feature Snape and Lupin celebrating a holiday.
Like a Virgin - stories in which either Snape or Lupin is a virgin.
Mpreg - stories that focus on either Snape or Lupin carrying a baby.
Novel-length - RL/SS stories that are over 40,000 words long.
Novella-length - RL/SS stories that are between 20,000 and 40,000 words long.
Occlumency/Legilimency - stories in which Occlumency and/or Legilimency play a significant part.
Raising Teddy - RL/SS stories in which raising Teddy is the primary focus.
Threesome: Remus/Severus/Harry - stories featuring the RL/SS/HP threesome.
Threesome: Remus/Severus/Sirius - stories featuring the RL/SS/SB threesome.
Werewolf Mating - Stories that feature werewolf mating rituals, habits, etc.
Werewolf Pack - stories which deal heavily with werewolf pack dynamics, politics, etc.
Werewolf Snape - stories in which Snape is a werewolf instead of or in conjunction with Lupin.
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