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LJ Migration Resources

Page history last edited by McKay 16 years, 11 months ago

In order to help cut down on the confusion about where to find people and communities in the migration from LJ, I've compiled a list of links to the Snape/Lupin resources on alternate journaling services. This page is not meant to advocate one service over another or provide pros and cons of each service, but to provide a means of helping RL/SS shippers find each other.


A good starting point is the post on lupin_snape in which RL/SS shippers may leave links to their alternate journals:


Find RL/SS shippers off-LJ


There are mirror communities on all 3 major alternate journaling services.


Insane Journal:


Snape/Lupin-centric communities:

Lupin/Snape Love Community

By Moonlight - Snape/Lupin for 18+

The Snupin Prophet - the RL/SS newsletter

Snupin 100 drabble community

Dark Flowers - Snape/Lupin/Lily


Communities where Snape/Lupin may be found non-exclusively:

Pervy Werewolf - for stories & art featuring Lupin and sexual kinks

Bottom!Snape - stories & art featuring bottom!Snape

Lupin 100 drabble community

Snape 100 drabble community

Snape News - Snape-centric newsletter

Daily Deviant


Collaboration/Fic communities by RL/SS shippers:

Time of Storms

Blessed Moon

Vicious Moon




Journal Fen:


Lupin/Snape Love Community

Snupin Prophet

Snape News



Greatest Journal:

Lupin/Snape Love Community

Snupin Prophet




Snape News

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