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This version was saved 16 years, 1 month ago View current version     Page history
Saved by McKay
on September 13, 2008 at 7:59:40 am



6-14-08 - I have updated the thematic list page with links to the Snupin Themes list on del.icio.us. I've added a couple of things to the Miscellenous Resources and Archives & Communities pages.


3-29-08 - I have updated the Timeline and Overview pages with ship-related events through the end of 2007. I have also updated the Collaborative Fan Projects page with links to the RL/SS calender, the RL/SS fan art mood theme, and Chocolate & Asphodel (the RL/SS fanzine). The RPGs page has been updated as well.



This wiki is meant to be a resource for new Snape/Lupin shippers and old hands on the ship alike. Here you'll find links, essays, bios, recs, and more - all focused on the Snape/Lupin pairing. Hopefully, it will be a thorough introduction to the ship and a useful starting point for beginners as well as an excellent refresher for old timers in the ship.


But best of all, it will be constantly growing and evolving with new links and info added all the time. It's meant to be a resource for learning about the history of the ship and for finding links to various sites, communities, and other items of interest to RL/SS shippers.


History of the Ship:


This is where you will find a detailed write-up of the activity in and evolution of the Snape/Lupin ship.



This is a brief outline of significant events in the Snape/Lupin ship from its earliest days to the present.



Artist Bios

Here you will find brief biographies of several Snape/Lupin artists.


Author Bios

Here you will find brief biographies of several Snape/Lupin writers.


Artist websites

Here you will find links to help you locate works by various Snape/Lupin artists.


Author websites

Here you will find links to help you locate works by various Snape/Lupin writers.



Archives and Communities

Here you will find links to Snape/Lupin-centric archives and Livejournal/Insanejournal/JournalFen communities.


Collaborative Fan Projects

Here you will find links to serial stories and other fan works created in collaboration by two or more Snape/Lupin shippers.



Here you will find links to role-playing games with significant Snape/Lupin plotlines. Both active and inactive RPGs are listed.




Thematic Lists

Here you will find links to lists of stories focused on a central theme.



Here you will find links to essays written on various topics featuring Snape/Lupin.


Miscellaneous Resources

Here you will find links to other Snape/Lupin resources that don't fall under any of the previous categories.


LJ Migration Resources

Here you will find links to Snape/Lupin communities and shippers on journaling services other than Livejournal.

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