
Author websites

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Saved by drusillas_rain@yahoo.ca
on April 26, 2009 at 10:29:45 am

This is a list of personal journals, communities, and websites where Snape/Lupin writers house their stories.



Feel free to link your fiction journal, tags, or memories if you don't have a website. Please do not link to your Livejournal if it isn't fic-only.


Chocolate Frog - McKay's fanfiction archive.


Chocolate Frog - Arionrhod's fanfiction archive.


Drusillas_rain's Snape/Lupin index


Fanfiction by Snegurochka


Florahart's Snape/Lupin tag


Geri-chan's website and Snape/Lupin tag


Hogwarts CUS - a closed-community hosts stories about a HP AU set in 1989 in Hogwarts Community Upper School, written by Senjy.


Innerslytherin's Fic Table of Contents on her LJ.


Love Lore - lore's fanfiction archive community.


Maraudersaffair's Snape/Lupin memories


mechaieh's index index of her Snape/Lupin fic.


MusIgneus' Snape/Lupin fic - Takes you to Livejournal tags.


Purple Fluffy Cat's fiction tags


Rain's fanfiction journal


Senjy's fanfiction journal




Summerborn's Snape/Lupin tag


The Treacle Tart's fic journal: Tart Confections with Snape/Lupin tag


Thestral Excrement - Innerslytherin's website.


Xochiquetzl's website

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