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The links on this page are all Snape/Lupin-oriented archives and Livejournal communities. To qualify for inclusion on this page, the archive or community must generate a significant amount of Snape/Lupin content.
Archives and Communities:
Moonshadow - the Snape/Lupin automated archive. This is the archive for the ship, where you can find the largest collection of Snape/Lupin stories (and art) online complete with a search engine.
The Snupin Library - a link list of fan-chosen classic and favorite stories of the ship. A good starting point for new shippers.
The Master and the Wolf - the archive for the Snape/Lupin FQF.
The Parapet - This is the oldest Snape/Lupin archive in the fandom, but it's currently inactive, not having been updated since December, 2003.
Wolf and Raven - a Snape/Lupin fanlisting.
The Severus Snape Fuh-Q Fest archive - Not exclusively RL/SS, but there were quite a few RL/SS stories written for the 3 waves of the Fest.
Snupin Ruslash. Net - a Snape/Lupin site in Russian.
The Lupin/Snape Lurve Community - the Snape/Lupin community on Livejournal. This is the hub of RL/SS activity on Livejournal with stories, art, recs, challenges, fic searches, and more. There is a mirror community on Greatestjournal: Snape/Lupin Slash Community.
The Snupin Prophet - a Livejournal-based newsletter posted once per week. Although the newsletter is published on Livejournal, it provides links to stories, art, etc. from various websites as well.
Master Wolf Links - a comprehensive list of RL/SS stories and art. Not a rec journal.
Snupin 100 - a ship-specific 100 word drabble community which issues a new drabble prompt each week.
Bigger, Longer, and Uncut - a locked community for writers wanting help and encouragement on their novel-length Snape/Lupin works-in-progress. Currently inactive.
Dark Flowers - a community focusing on Severus/Remus/Lily stories and art.
Pervy Werewolf - a community focusing on kinky Remus stories, art, and poetry of any pairing (het or slash). It isn't RL/SS-specific, but you can find a fair number of stories written in the pairing there. Warning: material posted to this community contains some kind of sexual kink.
Lupin 100 - a 100 word drabble community which issues a new drabble prompt each week. It isn't Snape/Lupin-specific, but there are a number of drabbles written in the pairing.
Snape 100 - a 100 word drabble community which issues a new drabble prompt each week. It isn't Snape/Lupin-specific, but there are a number of drabbles written in the pairing.
Remus-Centric - As the name suggests, a Remus-centric community that allows het, gen, or slash stories and art. Not a lot of RL/SS here, but there's a bit.
Bottom!Snape - A community focusing on any Snape-centric pairing in which Snape is the bottom.
Crack Broom - a multi-pairing rec community with different volunteer reccers each month. Snape/Lupin is a featured monthly pairing.
HP Fic List - a community for listing stories by ship.
HP Fic Master List - a community compilation of fanfiction by ship.
Mailing Lists:
Lupin Snape Slash
Snape N Lupin
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